Theorie der Architektur und Entwerfen

Explore the other edge.
„Great liberty exists when we avoid trying to run with the technological pack.We can’t find the leading edge because it’s trampled underfoot.Try using old-tech equipment made obsolete by an economic cycle but still rich with potential."
Bruce Mau
„When you forget the words, do what Ella did: make up something else ... but not words."
Bruce Mau
Break it, stretch it, bend it, crush it, crack it, fold it.
Bruce Mau
Coffee breaks, cab rides, green rooms.
”Real growth often happens outside of where we intend it to, in the interstitial spaces — what Dr. Seuss calls “the waiting place.” Hans Ulrich Obrist once organized a science and art conference with all of the infrastructure of a conference — the parties, chats, lunches, airport arrivals — but with no actual conference. Apparently it was hugely successful and spawned many ongoing collaborations.”
Bruce Mau
„Don’t be shy about it.Try to get as close as you can.You’ll never get all the way, and the separation might be truly remarkable. We have only to look to Richard Hamilton and his version of Marcel Duchamp’s large glass to see how rich, discredited, and underused imitation is as a technique."
Bruce Mau


Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm

Theorie der Architektur und Entwerfen
Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch

Raum BB.309

Fakultät Architektur
Bahnhofstrasse 90
90402 Nürnberg

90121 Nürnberg

Tel. +49 911 5880 – …
-2100 Sekretariat Fakultät
-2135 Büro Prof. Dr. Woditsch
-6100 Fax