Theorie der Architektur und Entwerfen

This Time Tomorrow – 2

Time: WS23/24

Semester: Bachelor

The Floating University is an intercultural meeting place where people can work together on issues of the future. The structure of the learning centre is located in a retention basin next to Tempelhofer Feld.

The design focuses on the resource-saving use of materials and available energy. As the use of sustainable materials is no longer sufficient, the Floating University is looking for renewable methods. The guiding principle of the design was to use as little material as possible and to reduce the energy requirement as much as possible. The starting point for the design is the existing Sports Hall and Urban Forest buildings, from which two grids have been developed. This is crucial for the overall arrangement of the individual pavilions. The overlapping of the two grids creates an interesting setting, with squares spanning between the buildings, some of which extend into the main access axis, thus multicoding the walkway. The spatial programme was first sorted and located according to loud and quiet. Then the uses were pushed into each other like an onion, creating different temperature zones, for example the sauna is located in the retreat and radiates heat into the room.

Article by Yara Capelni, Franka Eichinger