Method: Derivation of a spatial constellation from literary narration in the form of selected short stories and narratives of world literature
Duration: winter semester 2018/19
Critics: Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch
Guest critics: Dr. Hélène Frichot, Dr. Mark Kammerbauer, Mathieu Wellner, Prof. Nadja Letzel, Prof. Niels Jonkhans
Semester: Master 1
Short stories:
Alice Munro, Mit Seeblick (In Sight of the Lake), 2012
Edgar Allan Poe, Der Untergang des Hauses Usher (The Fall of the House of Usher), 1839
Jorge Luis Borges, Der Garten der Pfade, die sich verzweigen (El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan), 1941